Alliance War Death Shaming



  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Don't want get held accountable for deaths? Don't play in higher tiers.

    Very few people never die but there are those that refuse to use items and selfishly only use glory for stuff like t2a that are serial death givers. They should absolutely be held accountable and eventually booted if they're in a competitive alliance
    SMNY wrote: »
    Don't want get held accountable for deaths? Don't play in higher tiers.

    Very few people never die but there are those that refuse to use items and selfishly only use glory for stuff like t2a that are serial death givers. They should absolutely be held accountable and eventually booted if they're in a competitive alliance

    What do you consider “higher tier”?

    How do you define “competitive alliance”?

    What does “held accountable” mean?

    I have to agree with @Worknprogress here. Deaths aren’t the issue, the issue is people not playing smart and resulting in deaths. Serial death givers should be called out.

    I would label anyone in G2 and above and in t7/6-1 competitive unless people float around those and have specifically stated they don’t really care. I know a g1t5 alliance that don’t care at all about AW, so despite then being in what I could call a competitive grouping they don’t consider themselves competitive. So it’s fully on the alliance.

    And to make a point to your “unchatted” Line is a requirement in many alliances, talking isn’t. There are days I don’t shut up, and days at a time I don’t say anything. So just because someone doesn’t talk doesn’t mean anything.
  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    edited December 2018
    This culture exists it’s worse than the culture of old war with defender kills, where “people were discouraged and gave up”

    I was an officer of a t1/2 ally for 3 seasons and have spent the last 2 in gold1 because I disagreed with the other officers on how we dealt with deaths.

    Kicking someone because they die once isn’t something I want to be a part of especially when ally’s in t1-3 are only looking for people to run paths 4-7.

    Sure the rewards are far less but I don’t have to hawk my phone all day at work to babysit peoples death counters.
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Omni wrote: »
    This culture exists it’s worse than the culture of old war with defender kills, where “people were discouraged and gave up”

    I was an officer of a t1/2 ally for 3 seasons and have spent the last 2 in gold1 because I disagreed with the other officers on how we dealt with deaths.

    Kicking someone because they die once isn’t something I want to be a part of especially when ally’s in t1-3 are only looking for people to run paths 4-7.

    Sure the rewards are far less but I don’t have to hawk my phone all day at work to babysit peoples death counters.

    I agree. Kicking over a few deaths isn’t warranted. However kicking someone for not healing up and boosting up on fights they are struggling with and constantly giving up deaths is. In many alliances that are in my tier and bracket a single death can be the difference between a win or a loss. And you have to think of the alliance as a whole.

    Death shaming is toxic and I don’t agree with that. But pointing out people dying to the same champ over and over and over again isn’t shaming. The first few times can be takes as asking what the issue is, and it’s always something out of their control. So when does pointing out become toxic? When people start getting vulgar with it.
  • Morpheus_123Morpheus_123 Member Posts: 792 ★★★
    Someone in my alliance wrote "you need to fight better next time".

    This wasn't aimed at me, but I thought it was harsh and pretty stupid. Like the person who died 'wanted' to die or something?! ha
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    If you die because you don't boost, heal and/or listen then it's on you. That's just selfish.
  • Fluffydragon2Fluffydragon2 Member Posts: 109
    My advice is to use your best champs on offense. Don’t worry about defense. Most alliances won’t die much anyway
  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    My advice is to use your best champs on offense. Don’t worry about defense. Most alliances won’t die much anyway

    Unfortunately that’s not how it works in top tiers. Usually your allowed one rank 5 on offense and all others go to defense unless it’s a duplicate
  • TChalllaTChallla Member Posts: 85
    I don’t allow it in my alliance. We certainly don’t want people being stupid but we don’t shame people in public. I take a lot of conversations to the messages.

    It’s a game.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,820 ★★★★★
    Someone in my alliance wrote "you need to fight better next time".

    This wasn't aimed at me, but I thought it was harsh and pretty stupid. Like the person who died 'wanted' to die or something?! ha

    Getting offended from someone telling you that you need to fight better is just too sensitive. Maybe they brought the wrong champ? Maybe they didn't boost before hand? Maybe they didn't heal up before fighting? There wasn't any name calling or ridicule, just an observation made. If you loose a fight, it mostly boils down to needing to fight better the next time.
  • FangmanglerFangmangler Member Posts: 77
  • TranminhbaoTranminhbao Member Posts: 127
    Lots of chill alliance out there dude, you join an aggressive alliance and blame the game to be too competitive. Just leave and join what's suitable, you want big reward, you take the risk.
    What is your solution? Imagine war without attack bonus, don't you see it's boring? And Whales will take big advantage when they just bump health potions and boost to destroy others without concern about skill.
    In chilled group, as long as you clear your path, everyone is happy. I'm in Gold 2, and trust me it's like a family. There are many war aspect that is more important than death count in gold bracket, like explore, or diversity. It's your choice at the beginning to be chill or to compete, shouldn't blame anything for that, game nor your current alliance.
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  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    I could tolerate death shaming if they called you Doug...

    In AW, deaths mean less Att points, and consistently dying may cost in wins. Therefore, it should be called out. My alliance alphas been focusing on reducing deaths recently. At Gold 1 and up, every death counts.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    To be honest, I think the sweet spot is gold 2-3, where you can run paths and people take it fairly seriously, but won’t shame you if you die or anything.

    Hell, just tonight, I died twice on a dorm mini and since the cleanup crew had come through different lanes, an officer gifted me some big boy potions to revive with. Real nice. Get yourself an alliance like that.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    A holes and D bags exist in the world outside of MCOC so it’s only natural that they’ll exist in MCOC.

    Find a new alliance, that level of aggravation isn’t worth it.
  • PizzabeatPizzabeat Member Posts: 239 ★★
    Mitchell35 wrote: »
    To be honest, I think the sweet spot is gold 2-3, where you can run paths and people take it fairly seriously, but won’t shame you if you die or anything.

    Hell, just tonight, I died twice on a dorm mini and since the cleanup crew had come through different lanes, an officer gifted me some big boy potions to revive with. Real nice. Get yourself an alliance like that.

    😂 don’t ever leave that alliance, it’s a cruel world out there
  • Lawdawg1541Lawdawg1541 Member Posts: 37
    We win, loose or draw as a team. Someone gets killed, then they went down fighting with their brothers-in-arms. That’s how we roll in our alliance. Last Season we dropped 4 straight, this one we won 5 straight. We never gave up!!
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  • B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Member Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    I think putting someone on blast for dying is completely acceptable in higher tier wars. This game is ultra competitive at hose levels. Now silver and gold class it’s not a big deal. But in Plat 3 and above when 10-20,deaths total in a war is all that happens and 1 death can lose the event it is called for. If you don’t want to be held accountable for your play join lower alliances. There are plenty. If you want to play at a high level you need to step it up. But honestly at that level most of the time the player is harder on themselves than the others are. I know I am. I rarely die in AW but occasionally run in to a beefy 5/65 korg on lane D that gives me issues. And since I run trinity I pretty much get beat down. So it sucks. But we don’t boot people for just dying here and there. We are only Plat 3.
  • LegendJRGLegendJRG Member Posts: 39
    edited December 2018
    I’m in the current season #1 alliance and was in #4 last season and ran a plat ally s2-s4. Very little difference in the structure and whatnot separating the top 200 alliances imo. Only thing that does is skill and competence on how things are run. If you’re being assigned paths preferable to your champs, have clear communication on what’s expected, and boost properly you should absolutely be in the single digit deaths per season. This isn’t even a hard thing to do if officers are on top of things. Really big difference being a well oiled machine versus chaos, skill won’t save you from having super bad matchups and no coordination. Shaming happens but it’s lighthearted for the most part, any major screw up is just as likely to be the assigning officers in the coordinated environment and subsequently they just don’t happen.
  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    I think putting someone on blast for dying is completely acceptable in higher tier wars. This game is ultra competitive at hose levels. Now silver and gold class it’s not a big deal. But in Plat 3 and above when 10-20,deaths total in a war is all that happens and 1 death can lose the event it is called for. If you don’t want to be held accountable for your play join lower alliances. There are plenty. If you want to play at a high level you need to step it up. But honestly at that level most of the time the player is harder on themselves than the others are. I know I am. I rarely die in AW but occasionally run in to a beefy 5/65 korg on lane D that gives me issues. And since I run trinity I pretty much get beat down. So it sucks. But we don’t boot people for just dying here and there. We are only Plat 3.

    That’s all well and fine but it’s usually the first couple of deaths and the last couple of the 10-20 that are noticed and scrutinized.

    As an aside Seems like you’ve identified an issue for your own path maybe switch with someone who has an energy based champ ie rank 5 magik for path 4 if you’re seeing korg on breakthrough consistently.

  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Truth is if you are trying to play at higher levels then this will be the case. It’s why I no longer play at higher levels. Less because of my deaths and more because it became not fun as an officer policing the deaths of folks and instead of building people up tearing them down and putting heavy pressure on them.

    War used to be my favorite part of the game but it really isn’t fun anymore. Luckily they stepped up the event quest and special events more because if they hadn’t over the last year this game would be straight unfun to play as AQ is pretty boring and AW is just not fun to play at a competitive level and at a non competitive level is very boring and easy.
  • Kushstar420Kushstar420 Member Posts: 192
    OP just join a more casual ally that doesnt care for aw season standings and would rather play for shards (win or lose)

    seasons made aw so toxic in certain allys that take things way too seriously so if you dont like being shamed for how you didnt kill in aw then join a more casual ally
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