Request for a Training grounds Quest

I am requesting the content creator to release a training grounds quest mode.

1. In this mode, as a user, i can create a roster of champs available in the game and select the start level and upgrade them to any rank and level i wish and can save these champs
2. In this mode i can choose any number of champs to fight against and can create a map with buffs and debuffs as available in the game
3. In this mode the map will not consume any energy and would not yield any rewards

Community users please let me know if this is a good idea? Marvel please let us know if this is possible to add to the game. Most important feature that the champs that we can use in this mode is not necessary what we own but the full list that is available in the game... This will help users test any champs and opponent they wish...


  • scorp_2014scorp_2014 Member Posts: 3
    Great point we can also allow players to put wagers and fight against each others training ground quests...
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