Alliance War Season 7 or War Season Changes?

Any word on War Season 7 start date or any changes to alliance war? Hoping for a longet break, increase in rewards and brackets and changes to make the whole experience better. Hopeful war becomes alot less stressful and less toxic and ultimately more fun.
I'm sure there will be an announcement soon. But the only thing that's going to be new is global nodes. I don't see them increasing rewards anytime soon.
1. Matchmaking rooms - top alliances will no longer be able take turns to match an opponent that’s 500-1000 rating lower like they are doing since before seasons started.
2. Reset shell’s aw rating so no more free points for 27M alliances because they “accidentally” matched a 5M shell
3. Remove points from defenders remaining to discourage matching weaker opponents and gifting free points by alliances that are guaranteed certain bracket at the end of the season
4. They’ll hide +/- numbers so you won’t know who you matched - no more deals!
This is all happening.. or maybe not. We’ll wait and see
Happy New Year!
i hope this happens as aw seasons has become all cheating and no fairness