Korg or Gwenpool

Avengerboy99Avengerboy99 Member Posts: 99
I have Korg as a 5* and Gwenpool as a 4*. I can take Korg to R3 and Gwenpool to R5. I have played around with Gwenpool and she is really good at finishing opponents off fast. IDK much about Korg, other than that he is better at Defence probably. Whom should I rank up first? I'm doing 100% Act 4 and have not started Act 5.
My top champs are
5* Ghost Rider 3/45
4* Stark Spidey 5/50
4* Medusa 5/50
4* Rogue 5/50
4* Red Hulk 5/50

I have many other four star champs at R4, but okay level 5* champs who are not really worth t4cc at the moment. Also, I have substantial t4cc to take both Gwenpool and Korg up, it's a matter of prioritizing whom should I rank up first (t4 basic is really limited). Please do help.


  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    If u need someone on defense rank korg if not rank gwenpool
  • Arbiter2426Arbiter2426 Member Posts: 346
    Gwenpool is arguably better my 4/55 5* shreds through fights so I'll have to say gwenpool
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