10 mil Alliance Looking for 4

Currently at 10.2 million. Looking for 4 players to fill 2 spots and replace a couple who are looking to retire. Run 5x5 Map 5 and Tier 1 AW. 4750 and above in Prestige is preferable.

Look for me in-game or on LINE.


  • VaniteliaVanitelia Member Posts: 437 ★★★
    Still have some room. AQ starts tomorrow.
  • AzureLightningAzureLightning Member Posts: 16
    What rank does your alliance land on in AQ? My prestige is 4809
  • VaniteliaVanitelia Member Posts: 437 ★★★
    Top 300 while still doing 5x5 map 5.
  • MannyManny Member Posts: 2
    What's the game tag?. Still need member?.Ì yes friend me Manny Nguyen
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