Suggestions on Primary 5-Champ Teams for Question, etc.

10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
Disclaimer: Not the typical simple rank up poll. I am looking for some more focused insight into options on potential teams to build.

First of all, I know that there is no "One Size Fits All" team for questing. Different nodes, featured champs, etc. will dictate who is best for a given situation. However, I'm looking for an overall team to focus on to help guide my next few rank up decisions.

I know this will come off somewhat as a humble brag, and I'm thrilled with my roster, but I'm really just looking for advice on how to focus upcoming rank ups and where folks think the best bang for your buck is for utility in the questing portions of the game (Story, EQ, etc.)

I'm still looking to finish Act 5 Exploration, reliably complete UC Monthly EQ Exploration, and building to my first LOL run once I get through a big push for work that's been keeping me on the road a lot.

And while it seems logical to focus primarily around my top 2 champs (Blade and Sparky, both duped ant 5/65), I'm open to working on building towards a more rounded or effective team.

Also, because these are goals, I do not necessarily have all these champs at the levels they are shown yet. That is because I will be ranking up one or two champs in the near future towards whichever of these approaches I decide to focus on, so some are either showing that adjusted level or showing options for how to rank up champs in a given team.

If you actually read all this, I really appreciate you taking the time for this more in-depth question.

Suggestions on Primary 5-Champ Teams for Question, etc. 11 votes

Option 1: Trinity (Blade 5/65, Sparky 5/65, GR 4/55), Domino (4/55), Red Hulk (6* 1/25, unduped)
noySpiderCoolsaxelelf_1Thecrusher_9756Riggs_97Justcause102FhfjghhggggjfhfjgDarth_Semz 8 votes
Option 2: Trinity (Blade 5/65, Sparky 5/65, GR [3/45 or 4/55]), Medusa 4/55, Quake (3/45 or 4/55) - A follow up for this would be which would be the better rank up, Quake or Ghost Rider, to R4?
Smokieisgod 1 vote
Option 3: Ghost (4/55), Wasp (3/45, unduped), Ant-Man (3/45), Hood (3/45), TBD (the 5th here would rotate based on needs)
Option 4: Corvus (4/55), Proxima Midnight (4/55), Nebula (3/45 or 4/55), Hulk Ragnarok (3/45 or 4/55), Heimdall (3/45) - A follow up for this would be which would be the better rank up, Nebula or Hulk Ragnarok, to R4?
Its_pro456talktalkHector_1475 2 votes


  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    I was definitely hoping for a bit more insight...40+ views and only 3 votes? Thank you to those who voted. I know it's a long post, but that's what comes of trying to get deeper insight from the community.
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Option 4: Corvus (4/55), Proxima Midnight (4/55), Nebula (3/45 or 4/55), Hulk Ragnarok (3/45 or 4/55), Heimdall (3/45) - A follow up for this would be which would be the better rank up, Nebula or Hulk Ragnarok, to R4?
    All great teams, really hard to decide. I lean a little more towards the last one.Holy Trinity is getting little old...
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    @Hector_1475 which would you recommend taking to R4 with Corvus and Proxima: Hulk Ragnarok or Nebula? Both are solid champs with great utility, which is why I'm not sure which would be the stronger R4 option first.
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