6.5m Map 55554 Alliance looking for Skilled players!

We have just took over an old alliance Lgoti (Former Swedish Alliance now open to global players) to make it our new home and need a few more team-mates to bare with us as some of the players cannot keep up will be leaving. Next week will be expert tier 55554 and we will be climbing the war tiers fast. Every battle group has multiple boss-killers and solid line clearers. Everyone takes the game seriously and there is no inactivity in any event. We hit SA 40% and up every week, Completion each time and even hit arena milestones although contribution to any event is voluntary and no minimums are required. We are fine with different timezones as we have players from 3 continents. If you have what it takes to compete in AW and Map5 AQ at the same time and think we are what you are looking for send us a message on Line.
aryaintardis: Europe Time
Dash--Rendar: US Time