Updated: Best Champs to Take to Rank 5
Several months ago I posted a thread revealing results of an informal poll I did of the top 100 highest-rated players in the game and which champions they had chosen to take up to rank 5. At the time most of the players in the top 100 only had 1-3 champs that they had taken to rank 5, and the overwhelming favorite was Blade. 70% those in the top 100 had rank 5'd a 5* Blade, blowing away the runner-up which I believe was Dr. VooDoo with 11.
I decided to go through and collect the same data again. It's not going to be quite as accurate this time, as now the large majority of top 100 players have at least 4 Rank 5 and I can only see their top 4 champions. But I still think it's interesting to examine the results.
This time around instead of the pool of champions being totally dominated by one overpowered champion, it now seems to be dominated by two. Overall the diversity of champs represented are healthier but that may just be because there are a lot more rank 5 champions now. We'll never be able to go back and see which champ players would choose to rank up over all others as we could when t5 basic catalysts were brand new, at least not until it becomes possible to take a 6* champion to rank 3.
Anyway, here is the data. I included 6* rank 2 champions in addition to 5* rank 5 champions.
Of the top 100 accounts these champs were ranked up to the max this many times:
Corvus Glaive 78*
Blade 77
Void 29*
Korg 23
Aegon 15
Ghost Rider 15
Dr VooDoo 12
Domino 11
Killmonger 9
Thor Ragnarok 8
Stark Spidey 8
Vision 8
Emma Frost 7
Sabretooth 7
Medusa 7
Iron Man IW 7
Symbiote Supr. 6
Iceman 6
The Champion 5
Wasp 5
Magik 5
Morningstar 4
Mephisto 4
Omega Red 4
Hyperion 3
Cap Infinity War 3
Ghost 3
2 each: Proxima Midnight, Red Hulk, Goldpool, Gwenpool, Phoenix, M.O.D.O.K.,
1 each: Luke Cage, Sentry, Cable, Doctor Octopus, Gladiator Hulk, Sentinel, The Hood, StarLord, Quake
*both Void and Corvus Glaive got a slight boost because in each case there is one player in the top 100 who has both a 5* rank 5 and a 6* rank 2.
I decided to go through and collect the same data again. It's not going to be quite as accurate this time, as now the large majority of top 100 players have at least 4 Rank 5 and I can only see their top 4 champions. But I still think it's interesting to examine the results.
This time around instead of the pool of champions being totally dominated by one overpowered champion, it now seems to be dominated by two. Overall the diversity of champs represented are healthier but that may just be because there are a lot more rank 5 champions now. We'll never be able to go back and see which champ players would choose to rank up over all others as we could when t5 basic catalysts were brand new, at least not until it becomes possible to take a 6* champion to rank 3.
Anyway, here is the data. I included 6* rank 2 champions in addition to 5* rank 5 champions.
Of the top 100 accounts these champs were ranked up to the max this many times:
Corvus Glaive 78*
Blade 77
Void 29*
Korg 23
Aegon 15
Ghost Rider 15
Dr VooDoo 12
Domino 11
Killmonger 9
Thor Ragnarok 8
Stark Spidey 8
Vision 8
Emma Frost 7
Sabretooth 7
Medusa 7
Iron Man IW 7
Symbiote Supr. 6
Iceman 6
The Champion 5
Wasp 5
Magik 5
Morningstar 4
Mephisto 4
Omega Red 4
Hyperion 3
Cap Infinity War 3
Ghost 3
2 each: Proxima Midnight, Red Hulk, Goldpool, Gwenpool, Phoenix, M.O.D.O.K.,
1 each: Luke Cage, Sentry, Cable, Doctor Octopus, Gladiator Hulk, Sentinel, The Hood, StarLord, Quake
*both Void and Corvus Glaive got a slight boost because in each case there is one player in the top 100 who has both a 5* rank 5 and a 6* rank 2.