I hope in 2019 we can expect a good deal of content for non beginner, non end-game players. BECAUSE

There's a good chunk of players who have a decent roster and decent fighting skills but still aren't able to beat the latest end-game content additions. And we're stuck waiting for the next monthly event to do something new.
I, for one, don't ever imagine beating even the "easy path" of LOL. As it stands, I have not been able to explore 100% the last three Uncollected monthly events because the final boss (or second to the final boss) were just beyond my fighting ability and would require a hefty amount of units to win.
I hope the game development team of Kabam will reconsider its efforts to prioritising strictly beginner and end game content. I honestly both beginner's and end-game players will never see contentment to their plight of things being too hard (beginner) or too easy (end-game) but what about the rest of us who find beginner content too easy and end game content too difficult?
The rewards, of course, should be scaled to accommodate between mid-game to end-game difficulty. I'm not expecting the same rewards given to end game players but should be enough to make it worthwhile.
I, for one, don't ever imagine beating even the "easy path" of LOL. As it stands, I have not been able to explore 100% the last three Uncollected monthly events because the final boss (or second to the final boss) were just beyond my fighting ability and would require a hefty amount of units to win.
I hope the game development team of Kabam will reconsider its efforts to prioritising strictly beginner and end game content. I honestly both beginner's and end-game players will never see contentment to their plight of things being too hard (beginner) or too easy (end-game) but what about the rest of us who find beginner content too easy and end game content too difficult?
The rewards, of course, should be scaled to accommodate between mid-game to end-game difficulty. I'm not expecting the same rewards given to end game players but should be enough to make it worthwhile.
I think what OP is saying (correct me if wrong raffster) is that growth in content for mid tier players who cant clear uncollected events or lol yet has been neglected. There is now variant and maze for end game players as well as more beginner options for getting stronger than a year ago, but the difficulty for final boss content in Masters and unc. Events keeps rising with static rewards. They need access to more growth opportunities to take the next step to end game content.
Those players are getting more opportunities to get the content they want with rewards they need, but mid level content isn't getting beefed up. The rewards are the same and it's just creating a larger gap where progression doesn't feel good for those players. A simple solution would be better rewards for master tier and a middle difficulty level for old events added. The OPs topic was reasonable feedback.
a. Gives those at the top something to do
b. Gives those not at the top something to strive for and reason to finish the unfinished content.
What I would do though, is definitely increase the lower/ mid tier rewards for current content to thus allow people to 'progress' faster to get them closer to the top quicker.
No amount of rewards will make up for the deficit in skill.
Lol. They’re just in denial.
An all the endgame players went through this at some point, it's called progression. Most endgame players have got 4 years into this game. You'll get what you need on time
Cause everyone needs to have a bottleneck. You need to build your skills from doing the content. And yes, Master can be done with 4* R4. So no excuses.
A year ago, maybe, but the new additions are all god-tier champions with insane nodes. Not everyone has the units for pots and revives. The 25k requirement is not a joke, it is real. You need at least 5/50 or 3/45 for Master, that is a fact.