-ROA- we need two BKs ready to get plat rewards

-ROA- come join us Platinum status next AW ally full of straight Assassins
156 current on 5x5 in AQ We need ppl that are reliable and are active in Aq/Aw.
We are a tight knit team AW Gold tier 1 ranked around 21 last ended AW season Gold 1 and knocking on the Plat3 door. Come join us bosskillers and lineclearers are welcomed. Prestige 7000+
IGN xGodKingCalix or my leader Vladrik
Line id kingcalig or Vladrik768
156 current on 5x5 in AQ We need ppl that are reliable and are active in Aq/Aw.
We are a tight knit team AW Gold tier 1 ranked around 21 last ended AW season Gold 1 and knocking on the Plat3 door. Come join us bosskillers and lineclearers are welcomed. Prestige 7000+
IGN xGodKingCalix or my leader Vladrik
Line id kingcalig or Vladrik768