LOL Advice

Hi guys I am currently focusing on my first run on labyrinth. I had been set on using stark spidey as I recently r5 him but in the last week I pulled 5* ghost twice and have been practising with her at r4. (Made it to Ms Marvel on no items during my best practise run)Being my first time I’m not quite sure what attack you need to get the longer enrage timer.
I also hear Meastro is a real pain for tech champions. The team I was running with stark was miles morales, venom,doc oc and vulture. My team with Ghost is wasp, hood, ant man and YJ.
Is there a way way to combine the 2 champs, and do I need a non tech champion for meastro. If there is no way to combine stark and ghost which one should I go for. (I could take her to r5 just waiting on 3 more tech catalysts).
Thanks for any input.
I also hear Meastro is a real pain for tech champions. The team I was running with stark was miles morales, venom,doc oc and vulture. My team with Ghost is wasp, hood, ant man and YJ.
Is there a way way to combine the 2 champs, and do I need a non tech champion for meastro. If there is no way to combine stark and ghost which one should I go for. (I could take her to r5 just waiting on 3 more tech catalysts).
Thanks for any input.
run with them both rank 5 for as easy time as possible
Both Ghost and Starky are good for LOL (I have both at R5). But I prefer Ghost, she makes the fights so much quicker as long as you have at least Wasp synergy.
Just remember to bring someone for Magik on the first run, or you'll have some fun with limbo.
So for my first run what team would you recommend, ghost or sparky with full synergy’s, or a ghost and sparky mix team (with hood,wasp and ant man)? @GreekBeek
I’ll give it a watch now
There's a few higher health champs on the short path, but Ghost with a synergy team makes quick work of it once you have her style down. You're only going to be using single revives anyways, so I'd say bring one champ and a full synergy team for them.
With Ghost, even consider running the shorter path first run to get initial completion rewards.
What path is the quick one? The one with agent venom?
I did use Sparky Miles Vulture GR Blade though. Wanted blade for UC and Magik.