Add a rematch button after finishing a duel

So as most know, the duel event is a great opportunity to bag some premium hero crystal shards and most people participate in the event every week. After seeing this great update with back-to-back fights in arena, I got to thinking that maybe adding a rematch button after you finish duelling someone would be beneficial in speeding up the process. At the moment it takes maybe 5 minutes, which is nice and quick, but with the rematch button it could take about 1 minute to do 5 duels if you are fighting a weak champion like most do. Back-to-back duels would certainly make players more eager to use up their duel credits than having to sit there retyping the name of the player they want to fight. This rematch button could immediately start the duel again or, more realistically, take the player back to the champion selection screen in case they wish to change champions.
Any constructive criticism is more than welcome, but I definitely think that this is a small change which could make things a lot easier and save time in the long run.
Thanks for reading.
Any constructive criticism is more than welcome, but I definitely think that this is a small change which could make things a lot easier and save time in the long run.
Thanks for reading.