another two features, another two Venom and Duck dupes. What kind of odds are those?

XxAeriosxXXxAeriosxX Member Posts: 22
This round of features are totally rigged. or I'm just the luckies player Kabam picks out. So out of 10 features, I got 7 dupes, and all the garbage dupes, Daredevil netflix, Venomx2, Howard pathetic Duck x2 e.g.. 6 features out of 24, the odds of my not getting anything is some kind jojo you guys been doing.

I also heard many others saying how bad this features crystals are. Kabam, Please listen to our feedback and look into your game design.

And I was warned by Mod saying this is not a place for ranting. What kind of a place a forum would be? I didn't use any profaned language and I also suggested this feature in your game is not fair to most of the players and many are in agreement with me.
So instead of trying to stop people from saying things, why don't you work on your game and make it better for all of us?


  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,130 ★★★★★
    guess u havent heard of anonymous2k?
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,445 ★★★★★
    What would be reassuring is (1) knowing whether the team audits crystal results to make sure they fall within acceptable ranges of randomness and (2) knowing that the crystal drops historically fall within those ranges.

    In a perfect world, some of that information would be shared with the community. I’m not asking for data on every crystal, but there’s always a thread floating around re: drop rates. Might be helpful to post the number of drops of each champ in the featured 5* after the crystal changes over. When reasonable people see there’s a mostly equal distribution of drops of each champ, faith in the system would (hopefully) increase.

    Dr. Zola
  • Swe_wolfisSwe_wolfis Member Posts: 390 ★★
    XxAeriosxX wrote: »
    This round of features are totally rigged. or I'm just the luckies player Kabam picks out. So out of 10 features, I got 7 dupes, and all the garbage dupes, Daredevil netflix, Venomx2, Howard pathetic Duck x2 e.g.. 6 features out of 24, the odds of my not getting anything is some kind jojo you guys been doing.

    Oki, without going in how you rate the new and improved Venom as garbage, out if the 24 in the crystal, who do you rate as good?

    Who did you get from your 10 pulls?
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  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    I pulled 3 vultures from 4 crystal. 3 were featured and a basic right after
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    "I didn't get what I wanted so the crystal must be rigged"
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    I love how you only see these when people don't get what they want. If you pulled ghost/omega/korg/Emma 3x in a row you'd be posting about how you're the luckiest person ever not saying it's broken/rigged.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    By the way I've opened at least 15 of these and only gotten 2 great pulls (ghost from the 1st one and ghost again from the last one even though I used a generic on her when I took her r5). Another 3 were good in awakening voodoo, SL, and quake. The rest utter trash. So 10/15+ were trash, it happens.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    Back to back Khan pulls for me. Basic, then a dungeon crystal.

    Over 60 different 5* crystals opened, and 3 have been her.

    I guess I don't spend enough $ to get bumped into the tier with good drop rates.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Dexman1349 wrote: »
    Back to back Khan pulls for me. Basic, then a dungeon crystal.

    Over 60 different 5* crystals opened, and 3 have been her.

    I guess I don't spend enough $ to get bumped into the tier with good drop rates.

    I spend a ton and pulled classic spidey 3x from blades featured crystal back when I went for him. Between 5 featured crystals and over $750 in fgmc I pulled him zero times.

    Spending does absolutely nothing for drop rates. It does however increase the amount of crystals opened so you still wind up with more good champs usually just by brute force
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