
jesterjester Member Posts: 2
What's the best way to set up your masteries


  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    No set way that's outright better than others. There's the basics like 1 point in dexterity and having parry, usually better to max out parry and stupefy though. Also precision and cruelty should be maxed (not the lesser versions) as well as block proficiency. After that it really depends on your play style and what works best for you. If you're an arena grinder then maxing out the suicide masteries with willpower and recovery will help you to score more points, but I would avoid them if your primary focus is AW/AQ. Your defenders will take a lot of damage and make them easy to beat. Deep wounds/assassin are both great masteries but again deep wounds relies on you having a lot of bleed champs otherwise it's worthless. Some choose to take a more defensive route with coagulate and resonate, inequity etc. It really is up to you and what you'd prefer, there are some good mastery guides online that can help you get an idea of what type of setup would be more beneficial to you, but it's entirely up to you what you decide. One thing I will say though is don't fall into the trap of maxing out vitality, greater vitality, strength and greater strength. They take up a lot of points and have very little benefit if any.
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