New alliance LF a few active members

Revengers Ragnarok is a newly formed alliance of 20+ core members who have been together for half a year and are looking for a few active members to fill out our roster.
Line/messaging app not required, no donations required, just your participation and cooperation
We will be doing AQ and AW (AQ map 4/3/2 until strength & numbers improve), AW 2-3 BGs as spots allow. Ended last season season with this group in Silver 1, very close to Gold 3; no doubt this new one with a few strong newcomers will have what it takes to get there, and beyond.
Interested? Comment below or add me IG (UHJ69)
Line/messaging app not required, no donations required, just your participation and cooperation
We will be doing AQ and AW (AQ map 4/3/2 until strength & numbers improve), AW 2-3 BGs as spots allow. Ended last season season with this group in Silver 1, very close to Gold 3; no doubt this new one with a few strong newcomers will have what it takes to get there, and beyond.
Interested? Comment below or add me IG (UHJ69)