15M+ LF2 - 5X5 130-140M+ AQ GOLD 1 - 5.5K+ PRESTIGE

Just like the title says:
Need 2 players with 5.5k+ prestige / Five 3/45 defenders is a must too
We are 130-140m AQ alliance and usually score Top 800.
2 openings as both of them retired and went down to Silver alliance
If interested, PM on Line: chrisedginton or Jrawes
Need 2 players with 5.5k+ prestige / Five 3/45 defenders is a must too
We are 130-140m AQ alliance and usually score Top 800.
2 openings as both of them retired and went down to Silver alliance
If interested, PM on Line: chrisedginton or Jrawes
We are 130-140m AQ alliance and usually score Top 1000.
2 openings as both went up to Plat alliance
If interested, PM on Line: chrisedginton or Jrawes
400k+ rating & 5.5k+ prestige - 1 R5 preferred
If interested, PM on Line: chrisedginton or Jrawes