I'm not sure what exactly the beacon does, but its cheap so ill buy it.
When you buy it, you'll get an in-game message that reads:
Greetings Summoner,
The first of four Beacons has been activated! Through the year three more Beacons will be made available, collecting them all will yield a special selection of Profile Pic Rewards at the end of the year! Keep up your collection to yield the fantastic Profile Pic Reward!
it will give you unique profile pics @ the end of the year. that's about it.
I personally would not buy them. save the raw elements for the elemental crystals.
Yes, this google translator is terrible. Thanks!
When you buy it, you'll get an in-game message that reads:
Greetings Summoner,
The first of four Beacons has been activated! Through the year three more Beacons will be made available, collecting them all will yield a special selection of Profile Pic Rewards at the end of the year! Keep up your collection to yield the fantastic Profile Pic Reward!
Congratulations, Summoner!