Tos/ privacy polocy

Why do you not inform us that you have made changes/ update these?
I would have thought you have to as this would effect the gdpr
Please explain @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Wolf
I would have thought you have to as this would effect the gdpr
Please explain @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Wolf
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Try to read m’kay?
Also, what even is the question?
Are you saying kabam should have said, hey guys, check out the TOS again? Cause TOS pretty much only mean you can’t sue us for anything concerning our service, and most people who don’t try to skirt the rules don’t even need to worry about it
Why? ToS documents can be fluid and change without playerbase consent at any time. You know where its at and you agree to abide by the ToS whenever you play the game. What eas changed that you are concerned about?
I really don't understand what you are complaining about.
It says when it was updated. Since when have they had to inform us? Its a posted document. As far as ive ever know, ToS changes dont have to be communicated just privacy policies.
By the way, you should read the entire ToS. Says right here, they at least have to post when changes are made but CAN send a email or notification. They posted when the changes were made so they have met their criteria of what they need to do.
If you read it, it says by playing the game you accept the terms.
Yes, the notification is the date of change. Whats so hard to understand?
Maybe they changed some wording. Maube they changed something that didnt require them to notify the player base. Their legal stuff has always been pretty tight.
I don't know how much clearer it can be for you. It says in the picture the minimal amount of clarification they need to do is post that it changed and they did. If you are so determined to be told what changed, send in a support ticket and ask.
Do you really think they are going to illegally do something on purpose?
TOS are not legal contracts, but laws are law.
If the GDPR says you must send a notification when the TOS changes, then you must do it if you want to provide your service in those regions.
I had to agree to an updated TOS on some random app today In fact, and no, I'm not even in Europe.
When the TOS changes, launching the game should inform you of the changes and require agreement before the app collects any more data or allows you to do anything in it,
It doesn't matter what Kabam says or Canada says or the us says. Now they could hide the notification from those they aren't legally required to, but that seems to be more trouble than just telling everyone.
I'm sure they've broken "so many". I'm sure you have all the legal proof for that claim too. You seem like a brilliant legal mind.
ToS just lays out the terms that we (and kabam) must follow to continue to participate in their service. Aka, no account sharing, hacking, stealing, posting porn, ect, ect.