Any reason for paths that cannot be scouted?

krauserhuntkrauserhunt Member Posts: 365 ★★
Hi Kabam / Fellow Summoners

Do we know why we have paths that cannot be scouted (ie Act ch 5.4), it is not like it remains a mystery for long once the guides have been put online / youtubers do their initial run?

Is this a trend that will be carried on in future?
Is there any plan to remove this in current Act 5.4? (Like temporary energy reductions)

I dont have a huge issue with this but it is ANNOYING. Also, if there are any items that spawn on paths cannot be collected because we cannot see what has spawned and where.



  • krauserhuntkrauserhunt Member Posts: 365 ★★
    Also, I just did 100% of 5.3 and now all paths are locked forever, lol. What is this sorcery?
    We should be able to re-run the paths when and if we want.
  • gannicus0830gannicus0830 Member Posts: 704 ★★★★
    The answer(s) to your questions are simple; to increase the likelihood that you will spend items/units and, consequently, money. That's it. As for re-running paths, they don't want you able to farm resources and items for free too much. Again, money.
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