Regarding dominos interaction with biohazard

PiccoloSBCPiccoloSBC Member Posts: 103
I have no good biohazard counters as of now, and I was wondering whether domino could handle it. Her first 2 gun shots in the combo meter don’t directly hit the opponent so will this trigger biohazard? And I was wondering whether her ability accuracy reduction at the start of the fight could decrease the chance of BH triggering at all.


  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 866 ★★★
    I use Domino pretty regularly for some biohazard lanes like in the EQ. But, I use the parry+heavy method with Rulk and ideally Masacre synergy as well. Those are pretty easy though, and you might be better with a real immune for a serious biohazard lane. I wouldn't chance her AAR unless I were doing the parry+heavy, it's just not enough.
  • Gertis_mangkas1Gertis_mangkas1 Member Posts: 43
    Biohazard means every hit has a certain percent chance to cause u to bleed.the first two hit may not count but the other 4 will.might as well use a bleed immune and not hit the opponents block at all than use domino
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