Why doesn't my guilutine get souls ?

LEE94LEE94 Member Posts: 6
I've wasted 300 tickets on ROL due to my guilutine not getting souls now is this another one of kabams bugs or just another way to anger the players?


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    You need to fight Wolverine when he is full HP.
    And you need to take a % of his total HP in order to get souls.

    So start the fight with him at full HP, get to a special 2 while you have 2x souls, throw it and deal the maximum possible damage on him while the debuff is activated
  • Welderofortune2Welderofortune2 Member Posts: 139
    unlike many champs that rely on souls gully gets them as she takes I believe 7% health off or you can start the fight with some if awakened.
  • Oliverb1980Oliverb1980 Member Posts: 99
    If I remember correctly every 6% of the opponents health taken off gives you one soul. At 500k health that's 30k worth of damage. The only way to get souls is if you hit wolverine with an sp2 while having at least 2 souls. Once curse is placed attack aggressively and pray you get the big regen to trigger to gain more souls. If you're unlucky and the curse expires without reversing healing you'll need to quit and revive. No other way around it.
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Each soul will take ten seconds. If you don't use it in those ten seconds, one soul will disappear.
  • Honeybunny217Honeybunny217 Member Posts: 33
    I learned the hard way that she does not reset if you die on him - meaning if you fight wolverine and deal 100K damage and he heals all the way back up to full and then you die, if you fight him immediately after with guillotine, she wont start gaining souls until after you do 100K damage. I had a similar problem when i went through ROL a while back and after i died with guillotine, i fought wolverine with another champ, i believe it was magneto, before I took guillotine back in to fight him. I got him down on my 3rd fight, guilly-mags-guilly done.
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