Tier 3 unified elemental crystal shard amounts?

I'm at 74 of the raw elements, close to the 75 for tier 3 crystal, has anyone opened one yet or can we get the different shard amounts in the crystal...
Edit: never mind forgot I bought the becon
@Kabam Miike seriously the rewards needs to be updated a bit. One week of Epic challenges and and all paths on last day and you give only 1k shards for it or 3600 t2 alpha shards. Tats too damn low.
Those 250k are most welcome for someone as broke as i am
Consolation prizes are just... consolation.
Not sure what your beef is. This is an additional reward. Something they didn’t have to add. You already get shards every day (days 1-6). Then you get to run all difficulties on day 7 for even more shards. Then you get all the shards in EQ. This is just a nice bonus. If you get 1,000 shards that’s an extra 4,000 shards you wouldn’t have gotten before. Plus the calendar has a lot of 5* shards too. Holy cow, just take the extras.