Who to focus on?

TheHoodedDormammuTheHoodedDormammu Member Posts: 1,448 ★★★
I have a 5 star unduped Corvus glaive at rank 3 level 45, a 5 star Hyperion unduped at rank 2 level 35, and a 5 star unduped Gwenpool at rank 2 level 35.

I currently have: 5 tier 2 alphas
6 tier 4 basic catalysts
3000 glory
1 tier 4 cosmic catalyst
1 tier 4 skill catalyst

Who to focus on? 5 votes

5 star Corvus to rank 4
TheHoodedDormammuB_Dizzle_01FhfjghhggggjfhfjgSaket_123Mello42 5 votes
5 star Hyperion to rank 3
5 star Gwenpool to rank 3
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