The Thing vs CAIW

idk if its been posted. so my apologies if its a double post, i didnt see any topics but i only did a quit scan thru of topics for it.
anyway, i understand you cant nullify the unstoppable from his heavy attack so im going to move passed that.
The Thing does however pop unstoppable after being hit a certain amount of times. At first i thought maybe it was something i wasnt paying attention to, being maybe his heavy or if i didnt have any kinetic charges. So i got all the way to 5 charges, and attacked into while he was unstoppable, no nullify.. i didnt record it because i was going through uncollected for a quick run. maybe i missed something? maybe its a bug? i hate calling things bugs on the first day, so i wanted a bit of reassurance hah
anyway, i understand you cant nullify the unstoppable from his heavy attack so im going to move passed that.
The Thing does however pop unstoppable after being hit a certain amount of times. At first i thought maybe it was something i wasnt paying attention to, being maybe his heavy or if i didnt have any kinetic charges. So i got all the way to 5 charges, and attacked into while he was unstoppable, no nullify.. i didnt record it because i was going through uncollected for a quick run. maybe i missed something? maybe its a bug? i hate calling things bugs on the first day, so i wanted a bit of reassurance hah
I learned this the hard way too, as I tried bringing in Dr voodoo to Nullify all the resistor nodes and discovered what I thought would be a decent matchup was a terrible one
haha thankfully he wasnt too bad of a fight. it was just driving me nuts that i couldnt. i even read that part of his abilities out loud haha thanks guys