Better Alliance Management Features

I would like to see a way to manage which members are allowed to join which AW/AQ battle groups. A way to assign or block certain alliance members in the groups.

It could be added as an option when you click on the member's icon saying "Assign" which then lets you block/activate their participation.

This feature was thought up because our alliance has about 23 members, 15 of which are strong, reliable and suited for higher content. Five are capable of filling in for others and can mange from time to time. However, the 3 current floaters, and future pickups, are not yet suited for the maps we run (under 60k PI guys). For AQ we usually open 2 groups, 1 high map and then 1 lower map. We let people know not to join the higher map if you aren't ready, but some still do because they forget, they just sign on for a bit and jump in a group, or the text scrolls away before they see it.

I don't want to have to kick every new guy because they have a low PI and they accidentally joined the wrong group. I would rather have them participate in the Alliance events and lower maps and grow with us to become loyal.

- More loyal alliance members
- Having to do less head hunting
- Gives new players the chance to join a higher alliance and not have to use alliances as stepping stones
- Alliances don't damage their AW rating because of lower members messing up (by bringing in 3*s... :#)
I'm sure there are others.


  • ray7ramirezray7ramirez Member Posts: 27
    I totally agree, though i wonder if kabam can keep up?
  • MrTicTac19992008MrTicTac19992008 Member Posts: 596 ★★★
    Just get 7 new members and put them all in BG3 doing map 2. Thats what we do.
  • RockonRockon Member Posts: 271
    less head hunting would be great, kabam needs to understand that some people will just download the game for a few days and quit others have been around forever and still have to "work" with people bouncing around, people who are willing to do the harder content and other are not without knowing who is willing
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