Falcon Recon Scan Still Not Functioning Properly. Screen Shot Included

I have made other bug posts about Falcon's Recon Scan not working to prevent Magik's limbo in AW (still no resolution there) Just fought a 'Kangs' team in arena and was locked on PRIOR to arc overload and throughout the threshold for it to trigger. Lock on is definitely supposed to prevent arc overload 100% of the time. @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Miike
-No connectivity issues, Wi-Fi
-Exclusively Wi-Fi, no switching between data and Wi-Fi
-Fighting against - 'Kangs' team in arena; Iron Man
-iPhone 6s Plus version 10.3.2
-MCOC version 13.1.1
Marcus Unread

-No connectivity issues, Wi-Fi
-Exclusively Wi-Fi, no switching between data and Wi-Fi
-Fighting against - 'Kangs' team in arena; Iron Man
-iPhone 6s Plus version 10.3.2
-MCOC version 13.1.1
Marcus Unread

@Gaiaphage possibly, could have been Falcon's L1 bleed. Not positive though. Regardless i was locked on, so it shouldn't matter right?