buffet node issue

with changes in dexterity
opponents regen twice now
diablo in uc regen back 30% health back if we move back twice and dont hit him back while down is on
opponents regen twice now
diablo in uc regen back 30% health back if we move back twice and dont hit him back while down is on
It also causes spite to trigger for longer.
There are all kinds of side effects that they ignored, despite feedback in the beta about it.
Bleed immune node, because of course he does.
I cleared 3.2 UC 100%, and all 7 runs, I started with my r3 5* void for practice, let the presences do the work until I inevitably died, then finish it with my 6* CAIW, since he could purge the unstoppable spam like a champ.
They should have just removed the crit buff **** that NO ONE wants. All we want is the base functionality of being able to dodge thing, in particular with their love affair with making things unblockable and/or deal so much block damage. And they know it.
We also all know they never will because of MD, Spite, Burden of Might, Buffet, and all of the other BS things that works against us.
Burden of Might has been bugged and behaving this way since they first released it in Story Mode, before the change to dexterity. Kabam was notified, but over a year later it’s still bugged.