Which champion would you Most like to see in the game?

Fantastic four and silver surfer are not included due to the fact that they will almost certainly be added very soon. If you chose other, comment down below the champion you would like to see.

Which champion would you Most like to see in the game? 24 votes

LeNoirFaineantGrinbergs13KngSpcWelderofortune2Sentinels 5 votes
The_red_Eclipse 1 vote
BrackavitchCtuchik 2 votes
Professor X
JJGMelkerlanneroZombieZeddRockypantherxPrasannaTerminator1107 6 votes
The Lizard
Destiny_dragon 1 vote
Kitty Pryde
Fhfjghhggggjfhfjg_Danny_Blue_J3ster 3 votes
Blubfish_666 1 vote
Giant Man
Crkwest 1 vote
Hydro Man
Other (comment)
KrokoBackjrJayCeeSliphiathan 4 votes


  • SliphiathanSliphiathan Member Posts: 5
    Other (comment)
    Daemon Hellstrom because we need more mystics. He also has worked with the fantastic four at times so soon would be a good opportunity to fit him in.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,675 ★★★★★
    Professor X would be cool but IDK how they would do him well. Wouldn't want him to be like MODOK lol.
  • JayCeeJayCee Member Posts: 732 ★★
    Other (comment)
    Mr Negative, Iron Spider, scorpion, mysterio, adam warlock, nick fury, spider man 2099, spider man noir
  • Blubfish_666Blubfish_666 Member Posts: 237
    Rick Jones is a legend right?
  • BackjrBackjr Member Posts: 31
    Other (comment)
    Phil Coulson and Storm breaker Thor would be awesome. I think scorpion would be dope as well.
  • Blue_J3sterBlue_J3ster Member Posts: 10
    Kitty Pryde
    So many awesome champs to add... Kitty Pryde has always been one of my favorite characters and I think she could have some really interesting abilities similar to ghost. (Hopefully w/o being annoying on D) lol
  • Blue_J3sterBlue_J3ster Member Posts: 10
    Kitty Pryde
    Here’s a list of some id like to see:
    Apocalypse, Mr sinister, Sauron, Mysterio, Kitty Pryde, Angel, Professor X, A bomb, Ultimate green goblin, Spider-Man noir, iron spider, big time Spider-Man, sp//dr (hopefully not tons of spider characters all at once), Dr Doom, The rest of F4, Galactus, Silver Surfer, Annihlus (sorry if I spelt it wrong), The ancient one, Baron Zemo, Baron Von Strucker, Fin Fang Foom, Quasar, Santana, Banshee, Beta Ray Bill, Kate Bishop, Hellstrom, Absorbing man, Ghost rider (Robbie Reyes), Hydro man, Sandman, Scorpion, Prowler, Grey Gargoyle, Man thing, Madeline Pryor, Sunfyre, Odin, Namor, Mystique, Nick fury, Nova, Nuke, Okoye, Polaris, Proteus, Quicksilver, Hope Summers, Scarlet spider, Gladiator, Skaar, Blizzard
    I could go on, but I feel like those are some that I want to see the most. Sorry if I went on for too long.
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