Semi-Retired Gold 1 Alliance (2&3BG wars), AQ map 3s, No Donations

19Million Alliance (VSAGA), looking for looking for one experienced player to join our team. Would potentially consider a couple of buddies joining together as one member has been considering retiring their second account.
About us:
* Consistent Gold 1 (Tier 4/5) over several seasons, running a mix of 2 & 3BG wars
* No Drama or Minimums. Just a laid back chilled alliance mostly populated by vets looking to maximise rewards for minimal effort.
* Only expectation is to play AW when scheduled.
* AQ Map 3 x 5 (consideration always given to have a map5 daily if enough desire).
* AQ is not compulsory. Most participate and generally we finish the week with 100% clears across the board, if we don't it's not a problem either.
* No donations!
* Collect decent rewards without making this like a second job.
Requirements to join:
* Line App
* Roster able to compete in tier 4 AW (at least 1-2 R5 5*)
* Communicate and be active in AW.
Message me or our leader.
Line ID: icorer
Line ID: kilraah
About us:
* Consistent Gold 1 (Tier 4/5) over several seasons, running a mix of 2 & 3BG wars
* No Drama or Minimums. Just a laid back chilled alliance mostly populated by vets looking to maximise rewards for minimal effort.
* Only expectation is to play AW when scheduled.
* AQ Map 3 x 5 (consideration always given to have a map5 daily if enough desire).
* AQ is not compulsory. Most participate and generally we finish the week with 100% clears across the board, if we don't it's not a problem either.
* No donations!
* Collect decent rewards without making this like a second job.
Requirements to join:
* Line App
* Roster able to compete in tier 4 AW (at least 1-2 R5 5*)
* Communicate and be active in AW.
Message me or our leader.
Line ID: icorer
Line ID: kilraah