Summoner Advancement Brackets

So with summoner advancement the brackets are 30k, 60k, 100k 160k and 265k. I feel like there needs to be a 185k, and 200k bracket. The jump from 160k to 265k is honestly crazy. It's so bad because it requires alliances like mine that were in the 160k bracket to jump to 265k and it forces us to save crystals for the week because we cant hit the advancement mark with the gap being that high. If any of the Kabam team reads this please take this to the office and consider it. It would help out a ton. If anyone wants to make improvements to this idea please comment them out.
Saving might also help you get better rewards. Go as far as you can in each SA. The better you do the faster you will get to where you can do each SA.
It's a whole lot better now than before. The days of Crystal Crash, the Rank Up events are long gone. They would be completely random, each having a 1-day, 3-day and a 7-day event. Though the 7 day was rare. You never knew exactly when the next one was coming. Sometimes an event would repeat itself. Alliances would break cause people would not save.
Well alliances could save for all sorts of reasons. You might end up going from alliance to alliance, only to realize that people will warn your next leader that you are an alliance hopper and not dependable or loyal.
I'm not saying that's what you'll do but you don't want that to happen to you. Saving for a week means you can make a game out of it. See how many crystals or catalysts you can get compared to the other members of your alliance.
My alliance managed to break this barrier last week for the first time since the rank down tickets.
It's going to take two weeks savings (if the majority cooperates) to hit it again. Tough.