Looking for a retired alliance after this season


Hey guys I’m looking for a retired alliance after this season ends. I’ve got some new commitments and want to stop the constant logging in. I’m looking to just park my account for AQ and looking for any map 3 and below. I’d like to be able to just help AQ when I can. I really do enjoy AW and if I can find like minded people in a decent tier is what I’m looking for. I will NOT respond to anything map 4-5 related. Honestly anywhere I can get people to press the help button. If it’s a group of high ranked players awesome, if not then I don’t really mind, just be active. Thanks guys.

Edit: I know this is early in the season but just need to find a home Incase I have to leave my ally due to something extreme.


  • 4Thisnamed_site4Thisnamed_site Member Posts: 345
    Hey. Join us at Free To Play or Tag No Do. Invitation & friend request sent. Really laid back no requirements or unrealistic demands either.
  • ProtoixProtoix Member Posts: 9
    My dude did you not read I’m not interested until next season?
  • cowgirlup80cowgirlup80 Member Posts: 111
    edited January 2019
    If you're still looking then we'd be happy to have you join us for next season. We run Map 2 x 5 at the moment, but will soon be moving to Maps 2-3 x 5. We run 3 AWs per week only tier 19 atm. Currently 1 BG and soon to be 2 BGs. We are re-building from a lot of internal issues last season and are starting to move up the ladder again.

    The final goal is to run Maps 4-3-2 x 5 ( run what you want. There will be no assigned BGs and no donations required if you don't run Map 4). AW wins are great, but won't be mandated. We'll be basing the number of BGs we run each war as to the number of people wanting to run that particular war. Hope that clarifies the position.

    Message me in game or on Line if you have questions or want more details.
    IGN- SCcowgirl80
    LINE- cowgirlup80

    Good luck with your current alliance!
  • FearlessLimeFearlessLime Member Posts: 79
    We will be needing a recruit after season ends we run map 3x5 no donations and as is 2 groups play when you can , if you want to talk more add me on line @ FearlessLime
  • SaggypantsSaggypants Member Posts: 23
    Hey Protoix. Our alliance is Invictus. We are Gold 3 and runs maps 3 and 4 in AQ. Relaxed and donation free. Great bunch of guys who have been playing a long time. We only run 2 x bg in AW so people can rest or have a break. Feel free to check us out at seasons end. Good luck
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