4 star rank up

MikePendragonMikePendragon Member Posts: 87
So I have the rank up gem, and when I finish the monthly event quest, I'll have 5 t4basic cats. I'm at 5.1.6. What two champs should I rank up to r5 to get me uncollected? The following shots are half my 4 star roster.0aqg8o4gh8jq.png


  • LeoGnarleyardoLeoGnarleyardo Member Posts: 355 ★★
    Void and vemon. hands down man, im cruising through act 5 using blade ghost rider stark spidey red hulk and venom, i switch out champs for medusa and void depending on the nodes on each quest
  • MikePendragonMikePendragon Member Posts: 87
    My main team usually consists of my 5/50 Corvus, Sparkey, Blade, and then I swap in my 3/45 Doc Voodoo, 4/40 X-23, AA, or Magik, and rarely Void. I also have a 5 star Red Hulk, but he's not leveled beyond r1. I was thinking I'd level up X-23 for the bleeds and regen because I haven't got the hang of Blade completely yet. And then perhaps Magik for control purposes. Thoughts?
  • scxoxoscxoxo Member Posts: 109
    ranking up gwenpool, domino and hype would be nice, not necessarily r5 but r4 would be great since they’re great champs and would be helpful in the future. domino is amazing esp with rulk synergy. magik is my go-to for harder fights since i can powerlock opponents in the corner if i can’t handle them. your 5* rhulk would be great in a synergy with domino, and he’s poison and incinerate immune as well. his heat charges hit really hard. void’s got great utility but he’s not as good in pure damage, so depends what you’re looking for. caiw is also great with like pretty much everything.
  • MikePendragonMikePendragon Member Posts: 87
    Anyone else on the Magik train? Other opinions?
  • MikePendragonMikePendragon Member Posts: 87
    @Leonarleyardo how far into Act 5 are you?
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Wow so many great options...I would do two out of AA(best option according to me for his AAR),magik(her power control will be very helpful for brute force and bane),capIW(tons of utility since he is awakened and that sp2 damage is bonkers)...domino and hype are insane rankup options as well
  • MikePendragonMikePendragon Member Posts: 87
    The rank up crystal gave me mystic class, so unless I get a scarlet witch soon, Magik will get the nod. Now I need to figure out the second one to rank up.
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