Should we get better drop rates for the featured 5*/6* crystals. Maybe like 40% or go back to OG.

So I know here people spend more time flaming each other then trying to come together to improve the game, but I figured this is something we can mostly all agree on. Currently the only other way to get a chance to get a specific fetured 5* is ,top numbers in arena or getting featured Grandmaster crystals.
Should we get better drop rates for the featured 5*/6* crystals. Maybe like 40% or go back to OG. 13 votes
Increase featured crystal drop rates to 40% or something dramatically better than the current
5 votes
Go back to the old format of one featured champ
4 votes
I'm fine with the drop rates and format as is.
4 votes
no just all the new featured champs in the featured 5*/6* crystal. So for example you would have a 40% of getting From the current featured 5* , SS, Argon, The Champ, Darkhawk, Night Trasher, and Venom the Duck. The other champs in the crystal are regular champs and not considered fetured.
As of right now people speculate that the chance of getting the feutured 6 is about 20%.
I remember reading here from a mod saying that in the featured crystal there was an increase chance to get one of the featured champs rather than the regular. kind of like how The grandmaster crystals that are featured have a .4 chance of getting the featured champ other than the 2% of getting a non featured 5-star champ and so on.
The FGMCs have varied drop rates. Regular 5* crystals and featured all have equal odds for each champ to drop.
What he’s saying is drop the amount of filler garbage in the features at 50% extra cost per crystal that is the worst drop even in the basic crystal. I.e. Spidergwen
No, he is suggesting featured champs should get a higher drop and he sugguested they should have a 40% chance to drop instead of the current equal for every champ percentage. Hes saying the non featured should stay the same so he can get a featured champ instead.
The featured Grandmaster crystals have a chance for you to get the featured champ. Even though it's low chance .4% to .9%
Still for an extra 5k 5* \6* shards I would take a .4% chance.
It seems though there might be people who are completely happy to spend the extra 5*/6* shards with no increase chance to get the 6 featured.
I'm these are the same people who would not want the ability to hold more recives or health portions.