Marvel insider rewards

Hello everyone, first post ever. I am wondering what the dates were for last months points to be deposited? I became an insider member after message told me of rewards for normal and heroic difficulty being passed on the monthly quest. I still have not gotten those or the ones for downloading the game as well. I emailed marvel as well, waiting on response as well as wanted to see if anyone had the dates on here or any other information thank you all.


  • RunamokUSARunamokUSA Member Posts: 381 ★★★
    I never got mine ever going back months now. I am spelling my summoner name exactly as it is? I finally gave up and don’t waste my time.
  • Dr_PhysicoDr_Physico Member Posts: 58
    The points for december EQ will be deposited on 1/18/2019. You can claim the december rewards until 1/20 and they will be delivered to your MCOC account on 1/25.

    You usually get the points 2 days before the end of rewards deadline and 5 days later the delivery. It's also ~9 days from activity deadline until you get your points delivered (hence, the beginner to heroic activities should have been completed until 1/9/2019).
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey guys, for any questions or concerns related to Marvel Insider, please contact Marvel directly. You may also be able to find the answers to some of your questions in their FAQ section, which I have linked below.

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