Swap up champ program

i know there a discussions going on about trading, swap, rerolling, what about a swap up program? allow someone who has a 5* 2/35 or 3/45 champ to swap to a champ of their liking. BUT the caveat is the champ they wanted is not 2/35 or 3/45, it is 1/1 and the rank up materials used are not returned. since the price of t4bc and t1a has gone down but has value it should be enough to swap for a set of champs. Maybe restrict it to just champs in the basic crystal or featured or whomever we want.
I blame the Game Genie for this mentality.
Might make more sense to just allow swapping the same character.... like from a r5 (duped or undupe) 4* colossus to a 5* unranked unduped colossus...for only a small cost of an Odin ... this is more align with kabams model. I am definitely against the idea of swapping or trading of any champs in mcoc though.
There's no champion balancing in mcoc so the are outdated champions like groot or kk that get left behind and new champs being OP. Other games I play that allows trading also complement with a regular champion balancing to attempt to keep the overall roster matter.
Agree, but my take on champions balancing is not just updating old champs but also nerfing op ones, and this is a big NO in mcoc based on all the RDT and posts I have seen.