LOL initial run or Elders bane first?

tony_stark12457tony_stark12457 Member Posts: 32
edited January 2019 in General Discussion
Hello guys I wanted to ask you (Elders bane out there with lol run done) if it's the right time to go for Labrinth first run or act 5 100% completion. Please give me some tips and also how much units do I need to have saved up before jumping in. + What things I should remember (if lol run u suggest).


  • RoOOtsRoOOts Member Posts: 234 ★★
    With this roster you can burn through act 5.blade will save you a lot of unita. and you even have thr nebula for 5.4.6 ultron. do this first. then you can R5 (in worst case) blade and save a lot of units for your first LOL run. be smart.
  • Alpha07Alpha07 Member Posts: 649 ★★
    I personally did Act 5 exploration first. Act 5 isn't terrible once you have the right champs/skill. that Blade and Nebula out there will save you a lot of units especially against the bosses. But I still suggest improving your roster a lil' more. especially because of Act 5.3.

    LOL easy path can wait tbh.
  • RoOOtsRoOOts Member Posts: 234 ★★
    edited January 2019
    and after the dice of the awakening gem crystals have fallen after 5.4; 5.3 and act 5 completion you know better whom to R5. perhaps till than you get domino, or someone else you like better than blade and you might have the opportunity to awaken this champ.

    i got ghost with a tech awaking gem and the resource to R5 her directly. wouldn't have done that if i made my lol run first.
  • tony_stark12457tony_stark12457 Member Posts: 32
    So first 5.3 or 5.4? Also in 5.2 only collector chapter is left. So what do you guys say. I tried 5.3 but I don't have so much variety of champs
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    Id say do 5.4 first blade will help with most of the bosses and fights. Then maybe you'll have the roster for 5.3 (start with the skill quest)
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    elders bane. get your r5 and then do LOL
  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
    Uncollected->act 5.1 exploration->completion act 5->explore act 5.4->explore 5.3->explore 5.2 which eventually explores act 5. Then think about LoL.

    This is what I did for act 5. I'm still to go for LoL 1st run. I have 5 star r5 spark unduped and 5 star R4 duped Blade. Hoping to get 1 more LoL finisher. Also trying to save units.

    Good luck
  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    As others suggest, having a strong R5 before doing a LoL run is very important, because it frees up your team choice, since you won't be worried about hitting the 2k attack through synergies alone. Blade definitely fits that description.

    Now you can build a team around his synergies, as well as getting just enough PB via synergies to allow you to continue to parry/counter even once limber has fully kicked in.

    I would suggest:
    GR (Villains Danger Sense + %5 PB with X23)
    X23 (5 %PB with Rulk)
    Rulk (5% PB with X23)

    That alone gives you 19% PB, assuming you have the 4% PB from masteries.

    5th slot open for more PB (Recommend AV for this), Sparky for better Danger Sense, or Mephisto/Dorm for Mystic Danger Sense. Your preference.
  • krauserhuntkrauserhunt Member Posts: 365 ★★
    LOL is probably insanely more difficult than Act 5 exploration. I've explored Act 5.1 and 5.3 first, just to get the tough things out of my way.
    Working on 5.4 right now and have couple of medusas (5/50, 3/45) to deal with Ultron.
    Just need to figure out how to deal with the Collector, its been a while and first time was a chore.

    So yeah, Explore Act 5, get those goodies and then LOL once you have a good r5 champ (and a stash of revives and health pots/units)
  • tony_stark12457tony_stark12457 Member Posts: 32
    Thank you guys that's it I ll get Elders bane and my first r5 champ before going in for lol run.
  • YouconfusedYouconfused Member Posts: 274
    I did elders bane 1st. Will do variant next then LOL.
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