5* Skill Awakening Gem

10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
I have a couple options on which to use a 5* Skill Class Awakening Gem. My two key options are Masacre and Night Thrasher. I am leaning towards Masacre as I have Domino and a 6* Red Hulk, so I use him pretty frequently. And I have the Holy Trinity, so Night Thrasher is someone that could be incorporated into my lineup for his impressive Ghost Rider synergy. I already have an awakened Blade, and I have no idea if Aegon would be in my future, but I tend to not prescribe to the wait for that dream champ if you have someone worthwhile already. However, I don't know how much is gained for either champ from their signature ability. Any explanation of your voting is appreciated as well.

5* Skill Awakening Gem 14 votes

CaptainKivchalupaTechonefortyCoachDitkaPaytoPlaygauravtheslayerZombieZeddSaket_123killerahark02 9 votes
Night Thrasher
Mets17JohnyzeroThe_red_EclipseFhfjghhggggjfhfjgWakanda4Ever278 5 votes


  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    Awaken who you will use frequently.
  • BuckeyeKPBuckeyeKP Member Posts: 693 ★★
    To me both are fairly underwhelming champs without great sigs. They don't need to be awakened for their synergy or to use them in content. Saving for someone like KM or Aegon might be better.
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    @BuckeyeKP Those are really good suggestions. Aegon would be great, but I don't open featured crystals so he'd be a long way away. And I have a 5* KM but I also have a 6* KM, so that 5* won't be used.

    To me, I'm thinking Masacre makes the most sense because he will be used frequently with Domino. Sure, he isnt the top skill champ, and while he does not need the sig ability for synergy, he may as well have the sig ability awakened if he will be regularly used, right?
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