Shock nerf

Hello, after the changes to shock abilities I wonder why we didn't get the chance to take back our signature Stones from characters like Thor Ragnarok ? I spent 60+ in him that are not useful anymore.
Thank you
Thank you
3? 4?
champs that should be Shock resistant or immune by start anyways?
Reduces Shock Damage by 70%
Reduces Shock Damage by 40%
Reduces Shock Duration by 40%
Nebula can shrug off up to 3 Shock Debuffs in a fight
Nebula gains 5 Electroshock charges for each Shock Debuff shrugged off.
Electro takes 0 damage from Shock effects.
Each active Shock effect grants Electro +20% Attack, +15% Static Shock damage, and +15% Energy Resistance.
Enemy Shock effects gain +75% Ability Accuracy and duration.
Storm receives up to 60% Shock Resistance based on Stored Power.
While suffering from a Shock Debuff, her Special Damage is increased by 30%.
So yes, These 6 got a Buff.
You may explain what was nerfed exactly? To you Thor Rags in Special? hes better now, so you want you Stones back?
As others have stated. This was not a nerf, but a buff and added shock resistance to certain characters, all of which have some sort of shock debuff as part of their attack.
Thor Rags now has 40% reduced shock duration of shock debuffs applied to him for example.
No nefr at all
I think he means, because there are a couple more "counters" (don't know if you could call the others that besides Electro) for Thor Rag that he wants his resources back?
Unless he thinks "Reduces Shock Duration" means that it reduces Thor Ragnarok's Shock Debuff Duration!