Map 6/5 AQ / Gold 1 AW / 16.6M / Currently LF 1 Member

Hey guys !

We are currently looking for one member (preferably with around 7k or more prestige) to help us keep going forward.

The alliance we are currently in was used as a retirement place last season so the war rating was really down there (bottom silver). Currently we are 8W/1L since we came back and reformed the place, at rank 150 in gold 2 but with a couple of more wins that we will get we will finish in G1 by the end of the season (we're like 95% certain with that).

Our current AQ setup is : BG1 does 66655 and BG2 and BG3 do 5x5. We will steadily ramp this up in the future so that the impact of donation costs is more spread out. Our starting prestige in AQ this week (for a 5x5 as we switched a lot of people up) is 6.7k, we are looking to take it to at least 7k as soon as possible. Last week we finished at around 132M score in AQ with a BG running map 3 for the whole week.

With all that being said we are a really chill group of people that have been playing together for over two years. We don't have event minimums but participation is expected so we can hit the milestones (except arena because who has time for that amirite?). The only requirements are for you to be active enough so you don't slow down the progress of the rest of the group and for God's sake don't drop 3 deaths in AW on the very first node in section 1.

Sorry if I sound like someone who has his head up his ass, I just woke up 10 minutes ago :( ; For any questions or if you express interested in joining us please hit me up on Line - kazze_one

We're looking forward to your CoC joining our CoCs in the sacred CoC Brotherhood.
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