Which tech 5* should I rank up to R4?

I'm about to rank up my 5* tech to R4 soon but because they both are duped and one is OP on attack while other is OP on defense, I'm having hard time to choose which one to rank up. Let me know your suggestion.
Which tech 5* should I rank up to R4? 54 votes
Honestly he just hits like a wet noodle, and getting a lot of plasma charges is basically impossible outside of RoL without some insane luck.
He does, which is why my suggestion was based on utility rather than damage and to rank SL if he was in need of a damage dealer.
While IMIW still gets his fair share of kills on defense, there are more counters to him now with Corvus, Venom, and some others. Not to mention, your alliance probably already has a few, since most do, so it's not gonna help in diversity.