Addition to masteries

So I recently reached level 60 and I realized that other than leveling up there isn’t not much ways to obtain any more mastery points and I was thinking that there should be a option where you can buy mastery points for 250 units each you can raise the price if you want but I feel like this is necessary
Whales are already leading big time so that’s not much of a issue or they can add a new currency or use loyalty or glory
Yeah, but if you allow people to use units to buy more Mastery Points, the gap is going to widen.
That’s why I said add a new currency or use glory or loyalty
Loyalty, sure, but then that excludes people who aren't and don't want to be in alliances.
A new currency...maybe but it would have to something everyone has access to.
The new currency could be from event quest exploration or something
Anything that isn't a level playing field when it comes to Masteries and gaining points for them is not a good idea. Best to leave so points are earned for levelling up and finishing parts of SQ.
I know it should not be common or anything but masteries points are scarce and would be nice if they added another way to get some maybe calendar occasionally