3 Star Champions Alliance War

Kabaam, could your team introduce something that’ll help us to better utilize our 3 star champions? I feel like an Alliance War that limits everyone’s roster to 3 Star Champions would be the perfect idea and a lot of fun.
I'd expand further and maybe look to offer incentives elsewhere - take the daily proving grounds for the 4 basic catalyst tiers. Give me a multiplier on the rewards given based on the difficulty and the champs I bring. Bringing 3 star champs or lower against the expert level for T4CC fragments? Give me an extra 25% fragments for my challenge.
One of the groups around here used to have an informal 2*/3* challenge.
I wouldn’t bother with too many suggestions tho, Kabam has their own way of doing things.
I am hoping to see two possibly three war brackets. Prizes depend on difficulty of war.
1. 3 Star Champs only.
2. 4 & 5 Star Champs only
3. No restrictions