Please fix suicide masteries!!

How is it possible that i lose more health than i am gaining? Liquid courage should drain 0.6% health each second, and willpower regenerate 0.7%, yet still i am losing more health than i am gaining!! And on top of that i also have 3/3 in recovery which should increase the regen by 15.0%
So that being said, how is it possible that i lose more points per tick, than i am regenerating?

Ps: this new forum is awful. Absolutely horrible. You can't create an username, and you are forcing us to use phones directly, which can be really hard to navigate. Not nice!


  • Dob1616Dob1616 Member Posts: 177
    Is it in arena where you're noticing this? Because if that's so when someone has despair that decreases the amount of health that you would gain from WP.
  • Killer92Killer92 Member Posts: 56
    Poison reduce regeneration and the heroes lose little amount of life, i agree with the fix of suicide masteries, all the other mastery give advantages but these masteries give advantages and disadvantages and recoil takes too much life, if use skill 1/2 bar receive more damage than those received by enemies
  • kj86kj86 Member Posts: 3
    poison reduces healing by 30%.
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