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Hyperion or Medusa?

Should I rank 5 my 4* dupped hyperion or save up my t4 cosmic catalyst for ranking up my recently pulled 5* Medusa to rank 3 ?( she is rank 1 btw atm)


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    WabobaWaboba Posts: 264 ★★
    edited January 2019
    Is Hype Duped?
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    ChampioncriticChampioncritic Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    edited January 2019
    If the ranks were swapped (5* hype and 4* medusa) it would be a tough decision. HOWEVER, medusa has armor break utility in addition to being poison immune like hyperion. So i think 5* medusa is a better choice
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    Vampi007Vampi007 Posts: 91
    Yes hype is dupped
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    WabobaWaboba Posts: 264 ★★
    edited January 2019
    I would go for hype since hes duped, BUT medusa with the royal family is still a great option, without the synergy she can still shred Robots, infinity man and some others.
    Its a really tough decision.
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    LowercaseCube42LowercaseCube42 Posts: 143
    I agree @Waboba
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    Vampi007Vampi007 Posts: 91
    I am thinking I'll do Medusa 1st and then Hype eventually.
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    Vampi007Vampi007 Posts: 91
    Thanks for help guys o:)
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