Parry: Webslinger Event

JabbawokkyJabbawokky Member Posts: 139
Ive noticed that on the last 2 paths(D&F) specifically moreso than the others that parry is reduced significantly. Why? I know know for a fact its not me and ive been replaying these 2 paths over and over instead of reviving. Its most noticeable against Classic Spidey, Spider Gwen and Miles. Seems like a cheap shot and its not cool. I wont complete it before I use hundreds of units to beat it simply beacause the tools I should have at my arsenal are suddenly not there.


  • Jonrdz1Jonrdz1 Member Posts: 201
    Don't give up you got it! You almost there last 2 paths are the hardest
  • JabbawokkyJabbawokky Member Posts: 139
    Im trying, the lack of parry doing me in. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • Jonrdz1Jonrdz1 Member Posts: 201
  • JabbawokkyJabbawokky Member Posts: 139
    Yea its definitely a lack of parry. Either an intentional reduction or a slick deception having people think they have a fully operational tool at their disposal that they do not
  • JabbawokkyJabbawokky Member Posts: 139
    3 matches left and i sure hate to have to start the path over. Refuse to spend to beat an event. Dealing with super evading miles gonna make me chunk my phone
  • Mwhitaker23Mwhitaker23 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    didn't see a problem when I ran it
  • JabbawokkyJabbawokky Member Posts: 139
    I bet you're a spender too
  • superunknown012superunknown012 Member Posts: 413 ★★
    Ran it two Saturdays ago and had no parry issues. Granted - for those three specific champs I was mainly using Crossbones to roll through them.
  • KestrelleKestrelle Member Posts: 441 ★★
    I'm having the same problem. I may not be perfect at parry, but I'm consistent across all modes until these paths on just the final chapter
  • JabbawokkyJabbawokky Member Posts: 139
    I finished it. Impossible without units. If someone had no problem with parry, they had a few hundred units. Pretty awesome quest. Once you finish, you forget every gripe you had about it lol.
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited July 2017
    Jabbawokky wrote: »
    Impossible without units. If someone had no problem with parry, they had a few hundred units.
    Lol, please..

  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    No its not impossible to finish without units I finished the entire event and only used 2 40% revives and no units by finishing one lane at a time and I've seen a lot of people do the whole last chapter all paths in one run without a single revive. Please don't make claims that are untrue and call people spenders just because you aren't at a very high level of playing yet, in a few months if you put in the grind another event like this will come along and you'll get through it no problem it isn't about spending units its about getting better as a player when it comes to beating these events effectively.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    edited July 2017
    It is possible to finish without spending. Many have already. Having said that, the issue is not Parry or Evade. I was contemplating posting about the issue. It's the aggression of the AI. It needs to be examined. I've noticed it in the Infinite, and in Web-Slinger. I'm not one to complain about a challenge, or in general for that matter. However, I've noticed the AI aggression is overpowering our responses. I've been doing some experimenting. I'm actually noticing it more in the Arena, but it's present in the Challenge as well. The harder the difficulty, the faster the speed. I haven't finished it because the AI is not allowing for successful moves. Now, I know that sounds like an excuse, but frankly I don't care about saving face. I've thrown some Fights intentionally to watch the AI respond. It leaves little to no time in between Combos. Every Special and Heavy is Blocked, Parried, Resisted, or Evaded. Our Evade is not as fast as the AI advances. Our Parry is off because of the variation in speed. It's showing an aggression that is very hard to respond to. Feel free to try it yourself. Throw a Match and watch the Attack. It's interesting. Now, I'm not implying that they intentionally set it that way. I'm the last person to subscribe to conspiracy. I do believe it needs to be looked into. The mechanics have to have similar speeds. Otherwise there is not enough time to respond. The AI is definitely operating at a faster speed. That's what my findings have been, anyway.
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  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    I finished it. But I will have to say I definitely noticed that parry was not registering at times. I would land what should have been a parry let of block and eat a combo to the face lol. I have also noticed this on day 5 of aq. To be honest I think it's just cause the content it self is harder. That's just apart of playing harder content. And I will say to op that's awesome you finished it and it will make you a better player in the end the more you do these tough challenges the better you will be at this game.
  • JabbawokkyJabbawokky Member Posts: 139
    Slow Diggz if you don't have duped 5*s at 3/45 or higher, you wont finish without units. The stark techs on 2 last 2 paths will make sure of that
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I used 0 revives in the quest. The last section I split up just to guarantee that I wouldn't use any units
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    stark tech's are not that hard to fight if you bring cosmics. I used maybe 8 revives i had in my stash and no units, and only had r5 4*, some r4 4*. its possible without 5*
  • VTA92VTA92 Member Posts: 374 ★★★
    Jabbawokky wrote: »
    I finished it. Impossible without units. If someone had no problem with parry, they had a few hundred units. Pretty awesome quest. Once you finish, you forget every gripe you had about it lol.

    Actually quite possible without units. I finished it the first day with no units spent. Used a few revives on the last 2 paths and that was it.
  • Anonymous346Anonymous346 Member Posts: 661 ★★★
    Jabbawokky wrote: »
    Ive noticed that on the last 2 paths(D&F) specifically moreso than the others that parry is reduced significantly. Why? I know know for a fact its not me and ive been replaying these 2 paths over and over instead of reviving. Its most noticeable against Classic Spidey, Spider Gwen and Miles. Seems like a cheap shot and its not cool. I wont complete it before I use hundreds of units to beat it simply beacause the tools I should have at my arsenal are suddenly not there.
    I'm in that exact same position
  • JabbawokkyJabbawokky Member Posts: 139
    Hang in there anonymous and grind it out bro
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