Deadpool X force Rework (Suggestion)

Just a few suggestions I have they may seem completely outrageous but that is what Deadpool is also I’m kind of new to these rework characters layout so rather than just criticism give constructive criticism but here are the things that should be implemented into Deadpool :
Since Deadpool is known for his Teleportation belt it should be implemented into the game making him able to dodge physical attacks based on his rarity, rank and level.
Another thing is Deadpool is also known for his variety of fighting styles and different weapons he uses and that should be added to his basic attacks a suggestion is that he should rotate between several cycles of weapons meaning he has different sets of basic attacks based on what weapon he uses. These weapons can be changed into a new mode by swiping back and blocking for 3 seconds and each weapon should be known for their different Debuffs rather than Deadpool just being a bleed champ. A suggestion for these weapons should be a hammer leading to Armor breaks, Swords resulting in bleeds, Fist that can lead to weakness, and if possible a reckless mode that uses all these weapons that can inflict concussion
Special Attack 1:
Based on what mode he is in apply the Debuff that associates with that mode
Special 2:
Deadpool brings something out of his back pocket... A FLAMETHROWER leaving the opponent incinerated for _ Seconds.
Special 3:
With Deadpool knowing he is in a game he grabs the opponents health bar and takes some health for hisself and hits the opponent with their health bar leaving them stunned for _ seconds and with Deadpool healing _% of damage he has done