8k+ prestige looking for a new home after season
I am an officer in a gold 1 alliance currently, and have been for a long time. Begrudgingly it is time for me to move on after this war season. I am looking for an adult U. S. based alliance that runs map 5 aq with possibly map 6 sprinkled in, and a score of 150 million or better weekly. I can boost my prestige to over 8500 if need be, but saving the t5bs for a better option. Gold 1 in aw preferably or platinum 3, as I don’t want to worry too much with it. I’m not looking to be an officer again unless needed. I do use line. No event minimums, but everyone contributes enough to get ranked rewards for most events, and you don’t have hassle / get hassled to move. Please post back here with your line id and ign to discuss. My alliance leader knows I’m moving on, but as fellow officers I’m sure you can appreciate me not sharing my line or ign as to not cause a disruption in my current family/alliance.
Line ID: Rickthemang