More ways to get awakening Gems

Anybody else feel like there should be more ways to get awakening Gems? These nearly impossible challenges and luck of the draw isn't cutting it. I need voodoo and Gwenpool duped already! Lol
I think you missed where I said nearly impossible challenges lol ..they should include a way to grind for them and make you get them based on rank. The webslinger challenge is impossible if you don't have certain champs. You die after 3 hits on line D-f ..They are beyond OP.
I wouldn't buy that bs lol
What about Gwenpool? I beat it 100% with my R5 Gwenpool
U r very noob, it's really easy challenge based on the previous challenges like bautista, chole and ming nas ones
My gwenpool is r4 and not duped. I'm sure yours is. I also don't have deep wounds yet.
Drop a pic of your top champs and rating and im sure it will make sense why you feel that way. Its not for the masses to beat. Majority can't. Just like last chapter of Road to Labyrinth. If you don't have SW, Dr. Voodoo, SL, and other God tier champs you can't beat these game modes. Its bs
Good for you. Its nearly impossible still as I stated though.
That explains the fact that u r unskilled noob
Your logic is that if you can get hit 3 times by a 5 star 6000+ attack spiderman and lose you must suck or be new to the game.Love to see yall beat line d-f with 3 stars ..I'd literally pay to see it. Yall are hilarious.
And for the newer folks, don't expect to beat these things. They're not created for us
Awaken a champ is one thing any noob any day can do if they have the luck for dupe a champ.
Awakening gem are not for the skilled one but for the unlucky one and right now there are very few ways to get it. Plus you can get it once and it's a random crystal vs almost one hundred champs.
It's unnecessarily a rare item, maybe it make sense seasons ago, maybe it was a bad design.
But don't expect objective support, people in this forum is very dogmatic (about the status quo) and very elitist (about their virtual prestige in a videogame) then they never want changes, no matter if it's the best for them and for the game.
I am grinding Arenas a little bit to get units.
Ikr, would be great if I had him.