Noticed a bug with Void avengers Synergy and signature

Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
So voids synergy with Hawkeye/BW/Cap America/ OG Vision places fear of the void at the beginning of the fight on champions tagged as Avengers. His signature ability is meant to reduce the time between debuffs being placed when fear of the void is active on the enemy. However for some reason this doesn't apply to the fear of the void placed via this synergy. in the 30 seconds fear of void is active 3 debuffs are only ever applied and my 4 star void is maxed sig so i should see 6 debuffs in those 30 seconds. This only applies to the synergy fear of the void. if i apply fear of the void in the normal way, after 6 debuffs the signature ability works perfectly fine. so it seems like maybe this synergy fear of the void is tagged differently then the other which doesn't register with the sig ability

Anyone else noticed this?
Can this be investigated by the dev team please thanks.


  • ManChildManChild Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    I’m pretty sure you still have to l1 to get more debuffs. From what you said, you’re expecting them to stack at a rate of about 1 every 5 seconds it sounds? My r5 void is sig 180 and gets the 55% faster but In his description it says it adds 4 seconds of one is already on. mxpvkv3l0172.jpeg
  • ManChildManChild Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    @Bidzy7 I’d like to know if this answered you or if there is indeed a bigger issue. I’ve considered using the synergy after pulling 6* HE
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    edited January 2019
    Ok i totally missed that. But the first debuff should not take 10 seconds if fear of the void is active from the synergy. When i get fear of the void up via the debuffs the first debuff after is generated at about 5 seconds.
    so the way i see it is i should see the first debuff applied at say 5 seconds (with 49.97% reduction in time from sig).
    followed by either 7 seconds or 9 seconds for the following debuffs, depending on how that +4 seconds is affected by the signature ability. Currently from testing it seems that fear of the void from synergy, it takes 10 seconds for the first debuff followed by 14 seconds for the next. So it appears that the signature ability is not being applied to this particular fear of the void applied via the synergy. Maybe you can also try it and report back if you experience the same ?
  • ManChildManChild Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    Ill video it and post later.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    @ManChild so did you notice the issue as well ?
  • TacoScottyTacoScotty Member Posts: 407 ★★
    I believe it's not a 50% reduction, but 50% faster. A 50% reduction would be 100% faster. I believe math should be Base time / 1.5 so:

    Normal sequence - 10 sec, 14 sec, 14 sec, 14 sec
    With 50% sig - 6.67 sec, 9.33 sec, 9.33 sec, 9.33 sec (assuming 4 extra seconds is affected)

    So in 30 seconds best case is around 25.33 seconds your 3rd is placed and 4th would not come up until 34.66 seconds.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    Ok maybe that is the case in terms of the timings etc.

    however the issue isn't the timings, it's that the signature ability does not work when the Fear of the Void from synergies is up.

    So when you go into a fight against an avenger and have the fear of void placed on them from the synergy you still see the
    Normal sequence - 10 sec, 14 sec, 14 sec, 14 sec

    when you should be seeing a reduction due to the sig ability

  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    Bump, can anyone else check this out and report back here so this can be looked at.
    I know its a bug but seems like its getting ignored as no one else has come back to also confirm
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    Bump still not working. first debuff applied with fear of the void from synergies against an avenger is still taking 10 seconds, rather then a reduced duration based on sig level.
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