Variant chap 2.2 MODOK Fight

Stagedear85Stagedear85 Member Posts: 774 ★★★
edited January 2019 in Strategy and Tips
To my knowledge there's no mystic or tech champs with true strike, I'm having trouble getting past modok without reviving like 6 times, due to the node every time I trigger a debuff he regen so its hard to parry him any suggestion ???? my line up is 5/65 Starky, 6* Nebula, 6* Dr.oct, 5* R4 MS and a 5*R3 DV.


  • Kenny292Kenny292 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    Starky is who I used for that fight. It is a little trickier than most of the other fights in 2.2, but a 5/65 Starky with poise charges built up can power through the regen. If you can keep an eye on the masochism timer, just be aware of when your next parry will trigger it and just dash back, parry again for an opening. A lot of times, when you’re able to get a clean parry, his autoblock will be up, but be patient and the openings will come where you’re able to parry with both masochism/autoblock on cooldown. Since the openings for a full combo aren’t very frequent, that’s why it helps a ton to have poise charges built up, otherwise you won’t be able to fight past the regen.
  • Stagedear85Stagedear85 Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    Thank you
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